Tribal and Adivasi Sunday observed at St. Michael’s Church, Durgapur

Rev. Swagata Das :- The National Council of Churches in India is the united expression of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India. It is a Common Platform for thought and action by bringing together the Churches and other Christian organizations for mutual consultataion, assistance and action in all matters related to life and witness. In the context of the frightening reality of the increasing violation of Human Rights and Dignity of Indigenious peoples, Tribal and Adivasi in India at present, the National Council of Churches in India is of the strong opinion that the Church can no longer remain a silent observer.
In this undestanding of the life situation of the Tribal and Adivasi communities “Life with Dignity and together with Nature” took place  during 7th to 9th August , in partnership with the Diocese of Durgapur, CNI at Shanti Griha. About 25 deligates from the Churches (Kerela, Tamilnadu, Jharkhand, Mizoram) and the Civil Society from the tribal and Adivasi concerns came together for this seminer deliberating on various issues.
The inauguration of this seminer was taken place on 7th August with a very meaningful inagural service at St. Michael’s Church, Durgapur where a special liturgy was followed with Holy Communion. The texts Psalm 72: 1-20 and  4: 18-19, which are best known for their concerns on justice, Shalom and dignity of the people and for the whole creation were chosen for this special service and the preacher was Rev. Swagata Das.
Amidst the vast issues, Dr. Hrangthan Chunggi, Executive Secretary of the National Council of Churches in India – Commission on Tribal and Adivasi, and Rev. Dr. P.B. M. Basaiawmoti, Vice-President, of the National Council of Churches in India were concentrated on the issues that affect the very existence of tribal and adivasi peoples- such as life with dignity together with nature. The other speakers contributed to the process of deeper thinking and exploration on 1. Response from Social Service and Movement for A Just –Mission for the tribal and Adivasi Communities in India; 2. Church’s response for A Just –Mission for the tribal and Adivasi Communities in India; 3. Theological Education and its impact to the local congregation for  A Just –Mission for the tribal and Adivasi Communities in India.  On 9th August 2011, the United nation International Indigenous day started with beautiful Eco-Friendly meditation by Dr. H. Chunggi and then the celebration of the day opened by  symbolic action. The indigenious people’s cultural group from Kerela, Santhals from the Durgapur Child Study and Development Centre, Mizoram and Tamilnadu came to bring out the rich cultural diversites, colors and heritage of the indigenious people of India and the librative motifs. The programme was ended with the encouraging words of the Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Probal Kanto Dutta and presentation of momentoes to the participants and to the deligates. The prospect of the whole programme has conveyed a new meaning of the Kingdom of God for the Tribal and Adivasi communities in Indiathat the Kingdom of God is liberation from the bondages of all kinds of oppressions experienced in this  world here and now. 

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